24 April, 2016

Split Paperback Mends

This post is dedicated to Karen Glass, author of Consider This and Mind to Mind. She, along with several other CM/AO mommas, wanted to know how to repair their Charlotte Mason Philosophy of Education six volumes so she (they) could toss the rubber bands that are holding them together now. Karen, if you need more guidance, I can talk you through it at the AO Conference next month!

The products in this video are Ph neutral archival adhesive called PVA. It costs less than $12 for an 8 oz. bottle. I used this to strengthen the mended split on the inside. It is the same product I used in one or two of the previous posts.

I noticed too late that my camera was zoomed in so that you aren't able to see what I am talking about at first, but you are able to see enough as I continue talking and showing you various things as I work the repairs.

I hope you have found these helpful!

Remember, it is up to you to decide what books you think are worth spending a little extra money on to repair them archivally. I'm not trying to be a book snob, and am trying to straddle the line realistically. I understand how each of us needs to choose our resources carefully, having homeschooled all four of our children all the way through on one income during those years. I hope these tips have helped you see how economical this approach can be, especially over the long-haul.

Ciao for now!


Torn Cover Mends on Paperbacks

In previous posts, in case you didn't see them, I list that one reason to give extra care to a paperback book is if it is sentimental. Many paperbacks aren't and can easily be replaced cheaply from thrift stores and used bookstores. Another reason to restore and repair what you have is because you have notes written in the margins (I love reading other people's marginalia :-) ). A third reason is if you have an author-signed paperback or two in your collection, and you want to pass it down to family members to enjoy for years. These are three main reasons to opt for archivally safe products for restoring and conserving favorites in your collection to pass down to your children and grandchildren.
You could argue that the signed book shouldn't be touched at all. True to a point, but books are for reading and enjoying, so I will give it my best archival repair with a minimum of interference in order to preserve it for my family.

The first step I demonstrate will work well on page mends, as well.

The mending tissue can be purchased here. You can probably hear the frustration in my voice at the difficulty of figuring out how to work with this tissue for the first time. This is buyer beware number one, but really, the problem was quickly resolved, and all is well. Another buyer beware is that the description in the title says this box contains 1/2" x 600" but when I received it, it was only 50" long. It is still cheaper to buy it through amazon than through lineco.com.

The product I use for adhering the half-torn-off cover to the text, gummed linen book repair tape, is found here. In the video, I said it was about five dollars. I was off by a buck, as it is $3.94 with free shipping through amazon prime.

I am very pleased with how both work and with how the job turned out afterwards!

Have fun and ciao for now!


23 April, 2016

Loose Pages, Multiple Options

In this video, I show you a couple of ways to attach loose pages. I mention another option or two, one of which, I will show you in another video (using gummed book tape by lineco).

In this episode, I work with my college copy of Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, which all four of our kids enjoyed, so it has split and has a couple of pages that have come out. I will demonstrate repairing the split book repair in another episode.


Ciao for now,


22 April, 2016

Charlotte Mason Home Education Cover Reattachment: Just one of several options

Here is the video that likely most of my CM mom friends are going to enjoy. This is one of several ways to safely, archivally reattach covers to your paperback Charlotte Mason (or other) books without resorting to elmer's glue or awful tape.

Hope this helps, and Ciao for now!


Protective Covers for Vintage Books

Here is the link for your options for Brodart Mylar fold-on, archival book covers.

There are videos on YouTube uploaded by Brodart. I don't recommend everything they have in their instruction videos from an aesthetic and archival perspective for my personal library, but I do like the instructions on cutting mylar rolls, using their mylar pre-sized covers (both paper-lined and not), and how to fold them and apply them.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments here!



Here is an example of a mylar, folded cover that I have on one of my vintage books that a friend gave to me years ago.

21 April, 2016

Introduction to simple paperback book repairs

This is my first simple book repair video, and I apologize for its graininess. I love natural light, but my older camera doesn't have auto zoom. Having said that, this is also one of my first efforts at recording lessons. I've done one or two for my Spanish students who didn't make it to class because of illness or debate trips, so please bear with me as I work at getting better at working with the technology!

As a postscript to the video, I have been a Charlotte Mason mom for decades. I've been an AO mom since even before it first officially began. Some of the old timer-CM moms conversed and shared ideas and did studies together through e-groups, which later became yahoogroups. Then, an experimental group of the CM moms jumped in to see if CM in a box idea would work, so Leslie Laurio, Donna-Jean, Lynn, and many of the other current Advisory Board ladies started putting things together and sharing with us on that old list. It was an exciting time! Anyway, that is why I say I have been an AO mom for decades ;-). I joined the internet in about 1996 or 97, and the CM e-mail group started quickly. If I ever "KonMari" my attic, I will find a filebox full of categorized e-mails from those early years and share it with you all (via photos). Just call me a "historian" instead of a packrat. Hahaha!

Ciao for now! I'll post another video soon. I am still waiting for some Cambric tape to be delivered to the house, and it should arrive any minute.



p.s. At the end, when I am talking about archival details, I mention that you want pvc free clear covers, but then I confuse the product by not naming the proper product! I cover that (ha, pun intended) in another video. Those clear coverings are made of mylar! More information and links to resources in the next video.

19 April, 2016

Another fabulous Spanish Class Today

Today's lesson had to do with where things are located :-)

I started out by saying my prepared sentences aloud in a conversational manner, then I directed the students' attention not only to the items about which I was speaking, but also to the notecards with the new vocabulary words for the week. :-)

I think the students loved it!


17 April, 2016

Spanish Bible verse copywork

Today I am looking at last week's homework assignment for my Spanish I high school class.
I think I will assign this for studied dictation next!

It's really nice to have a full class filled with Charlotte Mason students only.

I still follow the basic scope and sequence that a typical high school follows, because I want these students to be prepared for CLEP testing to receive college credit for their high school endeavors.


I adjust those lessons to a very CM approach, as the students gain more words and phrases each week.

It is so very refreshing to have the freedom to give "assignments" like this.

How are YOU doing in your foreign language classes?

Until next time,