I generally enjoy change, since I am fairly easily bored. Maybe that's not a very good trait for a Mom to have. But, at the same time, I tend to lean on the side of a keeping a slower pace. Dh and I like to avoid the tyranny of the urgent and balk at the constant striving (and the resultant tension) of society to over schedule every waking hour. "Purposeful" calm is a good thing.
I do enjoy basic routine, as it keeps the days and weeks flowing, but it also brings mixed feelings in me. Daily chores cycle around and can become rather mundane, so I try to work something beautiful or peaceful into the day. I also try to keep up a good attitude and do ALL things for the Glory of God. That's not always easy!
But back to change...
The newest transitions for our family are within the music ministries. Dd, in Junior High, has a new leader for their all-girl worship team, and it is going very well. The leader is also a home school mom, and is playing keyboard, singing with and mentoring the girls in worship leading. This is great for dd, because it compliments what we've tried to show or teach dd over the years as we've been singing on worship teams, at special events, or just singing with friends. Side note: Hubby plays guitar and mandolin and I do vocals and small percussion. I don't play piano, so the new leader playing keyboard is also a plus for our dd! Ky is most excited that the new leader harmonizes with them, which encourages them to sing stonger, as well.
Our church hired a new staff leader for adult worship, and this change makes me a little anxious. I am excited about the direction the church is going after a very difficult year of transition, and how we will re-group the worship teams, but I'm a little antsy at the same time. It's just about this little interim time of reworking the teams, rehearsal schedule, etc. I know these will be very good changes, it's just the waiting and planning phases, I guess. I'm just ready for it to be "together" and flowing well. In some ways, that doesn't make sense, because routine usually gets old, quick. But routine, in this sense, has been easy to be a part of. Being on a team every other weekend was/is something that doesn't interfere with home schooling, or our family schedule, and we are able to be used of God for our church community with our spiritual gifts, as well. I'm thankful for our leaders, and those who have filled in to lead and sing in the interim.
Hubby and I, like others, will be meeting with our new worship leader and his family within the next week, over food and cappuccino. I hope I can stay focused. I tend not to make a lot of sense when my thoughts are going in many directions at once. I have a lot that comes to mind when new situations arise, A little A.D.D., which is great for creativity and adventure, but if not kept to myself, can easily overwhelm others........ ;-)
I'm going to try to keep busy, and just keep my mind focused on Philipians 4:6+ "Be anxious for nothing..."
Happy New Year, all!
I'll share more later about the hs road blocks we've been overcoming most recently...the most stubborn in all our years (12-ish) of home schooling, thanks to a time of refocusing on God's direction and will, instead of just trying to "push through."
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