19 March, 2006

trying to stay dry

It's raining, it's pouring! And we are very glad. The grass turned green over a 24-hour period.

Look who's keeping dry in the onslaught of all this rain! This is in my Judyfriend's backyard. Isn't she kind to provide homes for all the little critters? (YES!) You should see where the box turtles live. I imagine they are keeping dry under one of the terra cotta pots in their habitat area of Judyland, if they have not burrowed into the dirt again. They may be floating, if they tried that! We had a couple of very warm weeks here, and now it is cold, again. I don't mind it so much. We are drinking hot coffee and tea, reading, playing games, layering up in warmer clothes, and keeping candles handy, in case the electricity goes out.

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