30 July, 2007

Next Restoration Project

Held together with medical tape. At least it's not duct tape!

I mentioned here recently that I have about nine or ten restoration projects on my plate right now. Some of them are not urgent, so clients understood that I wouldn't have them finished until sometime this summer or even early autumn.

Other projects are favorite study Bibles of several friends. These are the projects that I will get going on right away.

Removing the glue of "perfect binding" is a mess and takes a special process.

Here I am removing the tape residue with a special solution.

More updates to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a family Bible (inherited from my great aunt) that looks to be in about the same condition! I think it was loved to death. When I got it, it was filled with pieces of patterns she had made, obituaries she had cut out and even an old charm bracelet!