13 November, 2007

What's on Your Desk?

Mother Auma has posed a new question: "What's on Your Desk."

Mine is an intriguing mix, very much like my life. I have to make use of vertical storage space in our small cottage.

~I have a lot of Spanish resources, as you can imagine...but I don't store all my Spanish books and CD's here. They are on a bookshelf on the other side of the room.

~directly by my keyboard is today's grocery/shopping list.

~near my monitor are co-op class budget sheets that have to be turned in this Friday.

~ Also have a couple of my grade matrix sheets,

~ a symphony playbill

~ a "Look, I Can Talk" TPR storytelling book, Spanish edition

~ Under the playbill is an old hymnal.

~ Behind that is a box of old disks that have backed up files on them from my years as our homeschool group's first secretary, newsletter editor, and new homeschoolers' speaker/writer.

~ off to the left is a copy of our marriage license and passport and some other paperwork I needed recently.

~ Son's diploma is behind the speaker.

~ You can also see my collection of CM volumes, pens, pencils, blank CD's, telephone, a couple of Bibles.

~ Several silver bracelets and my glasses, which I cannot wear when I am on the computer.

~ A map of Germany

~ misc. post-it note reminders

~ CD Resource set that goes with my High School "Ven Conmigo" program. It contains lesson plans, answer keys, test generators, video clips, audio clips and more!

~ misc. copies of Ven Conmigo student homework sheets which I've been working on

~ A Jane Austen Biography

~ Cards from friends

~ photos

~ candles

~ camera lens

~ Software (at the very back) that is hardly ever used.

~ IKEA basket to the left, full of family photos

~ Mexican money

~ pressed, framed wildflowers

~ My prayer list is on the chalkboard to the left.

~ Co-op calendar is posted above that on the corkboard.

~ Bookbinding jobs/clients list is just above that

~ Bible verse quote and

~ family photos are posted on the bulletin board on the right.

Now, what's on your desk? I'm glad I have doors on mine!! LOL



Katie said...

You did it!

Hey, your desk looks great. So organized!

Donna-Jean Breckenridge said...

Hmmm....don't think I have a desk, come to think of it. My desk is my laptop - and wherever I park myself with it - kitchen table, the end of the couch by the endtable, sometimes the bed...I even offically have a desk at 'my office' at church, but I'm seldom there.

But YOUR desk looks inviting - and organized! :-)