30 April, 2012

The Antics of Howard the Squirrel

I heard a rattling of noise, both plastic smacking sounds and chattering of birds out on the deck this morning. I wondered what could be blowing away. It has been pretty windy these past couple of days, and that does startle our 'regulars' at the feeders.

I looked out the door and saw one of our squirrels, lying on his back, tail flapping in the wind. I honestly thought he was dead. Then he rolled over and I grabbed my camera. I captured the rest of his antics, shared below...

So much effort!!

Trying to get this thing under his control :-)

Oh, I see now...he wants to take this feeder up to his tree...

He freezes, because he knows I see him. This is a pretty typical pose.

He watches me briefly, and I think surely he will eventually drop this thing, then I can rescue it and take it back inside and refill the hummingbird nectar inside.

Then...what does he do next?


Do you see what he has done?? In one quick second, he slipped off the little rope and hooked the hummingbird feeder high up in the tree! There is no rescuing that thing now!

He knows this is food for the birds. I wonder if he thinks it will magically have food in it now, just for him. Perhaps he will knock it out of his tree when he realizes that the one who feeds them will not be able to reach that high. Not to mention it is the wrong type of feeder for him to break into and steal food for himself. Why didn't he drag the old, green seed feeder across the yard and up the tree? These and other questions likely never to be answered ;-).



Anonymous said...

Too funny! When squirrels aren't being annoying, they're often hilarious. They managed to get at our bird feed despite all attempts at thwarting them until we finally had to get a baffle. Even then, they would periodically try to get up the pole...just checking, I guess.

Anonymous said...

LOL ~ we have *many* of Howard's bushy-tailed cousins right here in our own yard in NC, back and front; as Janet said, they are both nuisance and delight! Love your picture sequence and yes, would have been a hoot to watch that unfold before your eyes! Thanks for sharing Howard !

Robin in New Jersey said...

Wow! He is one smart squirrel!

Javamom said...

It was a bonding moment for me and the guys. I wish just ONE of our kids would go into natural sciences. We sure have enjoyed some incredible nature experiences together!!

Mama Squirrel said...

Hi Javamom--how did I miss this one? I've linked.

Javamom said...

I am glad you like it, Mama Squirrel! It's right up your alley :-)