"You don't know the metaphor in its strength and weakness. You don't know how far you can expect to ride it when it may break down with you. You are not safe in Science, you are not safe in History." ~Robert Frost
According to a lecture to which I just listened this week, Frost says that Science and History are just as saturated with metaphor and metaphoric devices as literature. The weakness of metaphor, in Frost's opinion, is that one may eventually stop seeing the metaphor; one begins to see the metaphor as the truth. It (the metaphor) is NOT literal, it is figurative.
UPDATE: Sherry asked a good question in the comments section. I am in the process of reading the Frost text, "Education by Poetry" from which the lecturer quoted, so that I can get a better understanding of it by reading it completely in context, and see if I agree with the aforementioned lecturer! Feel free to share your own observations and thoughts!
The Annals of the extremely diverse, artistic, literary, and musical lifestyle of a Charlotte Mason education-loving family. Our philosophy, even though our children are all grown now, is to allow for time and space in each day to be present for those memorable moments; the ones both on and off the calendar.
"'Stay' is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary."
~Louisa May Alcott
28 February, 2006
25 February, 2006
Hand Bookbindings
Those of you who have visited the Booksncoffeehouse for long know that I love hand bookbinding and restoration. I received a link in my inbox today that I just had to share with my book loving friends.
Hand Bookbindings - From the plain and simple to the Grand and Glorious
These are gorgeous. I wish I could handle them in person! On this page, you can see all the different books with a magnifier to see all the detail of the binder's marks, edge decorations and bindings. Each book leads you to a different aspect of the books. I am inspired by what they were able to accomplish without all our "modern" hand (or other) bookbinding tools.
Hand Bookbindings - From the plain and simple to the Grand and Glorious
These are gorgeous. I wish I could handle them in person! On this page, you can see all the different books with a magnifier to see all the detail of the binder's marks, edge decorations and bindings. Each book leads you to a different aspect of the books. I am inspired by what they were able to accomplish without all our "modern" hand (or other) bookbinding tools.
22 February, 2006
What's in Your Kitchen?
This reminds me of the old Hee-Haw show..."Grandpa, what's for dinner?"
I've been tagged by coffeemama from Our Blue Castle to play along.
1. How many meals does most of your family eat at home each week? HOw many are in your family?
18 meals; six people. Hubby runs the before and afterschool care program (as well as teaching), so he eats breakfast and lunch and after school snack at his school~oftentimes skipping lunch.
2. How many cookbooks do you own?
3. How often do you refer to a cookbook each week?
Almost never
4. Do you collect recipes from other sources? If so, what are some of your favorite sources
Rarely. I don't do well with loose paper scraps, (The paper mess is a hangup of mine). They tend to pile up, never to be used, only to be thrown away. If I file them away, they are out of site and out of mind, and I rarely refer back to them again. I *DO* like being able to go online (to cooks.com) to find any special recipe that I want to use. I DO buy a cookbook if I am in another country, of that country's typical dishes.
5. How do you store those recipes?
I have a bunch of my Granny's recipes in a small binder that I made in early marriage. I also have a shoebox of favorites from early marriage and Boston that I finally got out of the tiny cabinet above the fridge. It had been stored there for 13 years (as I said, out of site, out of mind) without ever looking into it for our old favorites (for example: spoon bread).
6. When you cook, do you follow the recipe pretty closely, or do you use recipes primarily to give you ideas?
Yes and no. For baking, I follow it pretty much to the T. Hubby and I both cook from memory, possibly adding our own ideas and flair to a given dish.
7. Is there a particular ethnic style or flavor that predominates in your cooking? If so, what is it?
Hubby loves to use chiles for spice in almost anything he cooks. My favorite addition is oregano, cilantro, or soy sauce. So, Mediterranean, Mexican, then Asian would be our most common themes.
8. What's your favorite kitchen task related to meal planning and preparation? (eating the finished product does not count)
Chopping and sauteing the onions; Serving up our food in bowls to be taken to the table.
9. What's your least favorite part?
Preparing the lettuce for a salad.
10. Do you plan menus before you shop?
11. What are your three favorite kitchen tools or appliances?
kitchen shears; cappuccino maker; milk foaming whipper :-)
12. If you could buy one new thing for your kitchen, money was no object, and space not an issue, what would you most like to have?
A deep freezer
13. Since money and space probably are objects, what are you most likely to buy next?
We need to replace our broken Capresso coffee maker. We are making due with a nice (but for camping) stovetop percolater until summer.
14. Do you have a separate freezer for storage?
No, no room.
15. Grocery shop alone or with others?
Both. Most often, though, I tend to take one or two children with me to help make the trip go faster. We divide up the grocery list and meet back at the check-out line.
16. How many meatless main dish meals do you fix in a week?
I'd prefer all of them, but hubby likes his meat. We eat a lot of cheese, though!
Probably about ten.
17. If you have a decorating theme in your kitchen, what is it? Favorite kitchen colors?
honey-oak wood tones; a free-standing double hutch-type cabinet that mimics the design of an old Hoosier cabinet. Old, red-handled kitchen tools, barn-red enamelware and pans; dk. red and white food and tea tins, small decorative pitchers, coffee signs and old grinders, and a few red chile ristras. Favortie colors: Barn red, with accents of yellow-gold and dk. coffee brown. White applicances.
18. What's the first thing you ever learned to cook, and how old were you?
Cheese biscuits in fifth grade. I was ten.
19. How did you learn to cook?
I helped mom a little bit starting around ten. We had a cooking unit at school around that age, as well. Took home-ec. my Freshman year in high school, but mostly, Mom did almost everything.
20. Tag two other people to play.
Leslie at Abiding
Katie at CM, Children and Lots of Grace
I've been tagged by coffeemama from Our Blue Castle to play along.
1. How many meals does most of your family eat at home each week? HOw many are in your family?
18 meals; six people. Hubby runs the before and afterschool care program (as well as teaching), so he eats breakfast and lunch and after school snack at his school~oftentimes skipping lunch.
2. How many cookbooks do you own?
3. How often do you refer to a cookbook each week?
Almost never
4. Do you collect recipes from other sources? If so, what are some of your favorite sources
Rarely. I don't do well with loose paper scraps, (The paper mess is a hangup of mine). They tend to pile up, never to be used, only to be thrown away. If I file them away, they are out of site and out of mind, and I rarely refer back to them again. I *DO* like being able to go online (to cooks.com) to find any special recipe that I want to use. I DO buy a cookbook if I am in another country, of that country's typical dishes.
5. How do you store those recipes?
I have a bunch of my Granny's recipes in a small binder that I made in early marriage. I also have a shoebox of favorites from early marriage and Boston that I finally got out of the tiny cabinet above the fridge. It had been stored there for 13 years (as I said, out of site, out of mind) without ever looking into it for our old favorites (for example: spoon bread).
6. When you cook, do you follow the recipe pretty closely, or do you use recipes primarily to give you ideas?
Yes and no. For baking, I follow it pretty much to the T. Hubby and I both cook from memory, possibly adding our own ideas and flair to a given dish.
7. Is there a particular ethnic style or flavor that predominates in your cooking? If so, what is it?
Hubby loves to use chiles for spice in almost anything he cooks. My favorite addition is oregano, cilantro, or soy sauce. So, Mediterranean, Mexican, then Asian would be our most common themes.
8. What's your favorite kitchen task related to meal planning and preparation? (eating the finished product does not count)
Chopping and sauteing the onions; Serving up our food in bowls to be taken to the table.
9. What's your least favorite part?
Preparing the lettuce for a salad.
10. Do you plan menus before you shop?
11. What are your three favorite kitchen tools or appliances?
kitchen shears; cappuccino maker; milk foaming whipper :-)
12. If you could buy one new thing for your kitchen, money was no object, and space not an issue, what would you most like to have?
A deep freezer
13. Since money and space probably are objects, what are you most likely to buy next?
We need to replace our broken Capresso coffee maker. We are making due with a nice (but for camping) stovetop percolater until summer.
14. Do you have a separate freezer for storage?
No, no room.
15. Grocery shop alone or with others?
Both. Most often, though, I tend to take one or two children with me to help make the trip go faster. We divide up the grocery list and meet back at the check-out line.
16. How many meatless main dish meals do you fix in a week?
I'd prefer all of them, but hubby likes his meat. We eat a lot of cheese, though!
Probably about ten.
17. If you have a decorating theme in your kitchen, what is it? Favorite kitchen colors?
honey-oak wood tones; a free-standing double hutch-type cabinet that mimics the design of an old Hoosier cabinet. Old, red-handled kitchen tools, barn-red enamelware and pans; dk. red and white food and tea tins, small decorative pitchers, coffee signs and old grinders, and a few red chile ristras. Favortie colors: Barn red, with accents of yellow-gold and dk. coffee brown. White applicances.
18. What's the first thing you ever learned to cook, and how old were you?
Cheese biscuits in fifth grade. I was ten.
19. How did you learn to cook?
I helped mom a little bit starting around ten. We had a cooking unit at school around that age, as well. Took home-ec. my Freshman year in high school, but mostly, Mom did almost everything.
20. Tag two other people to play.
Leslie at Abiding
Katie at CM, Children and Lots of Grace
19 February, 2006
Masterpiece Theatre
I'm anxiously awaiting another episode of "Bleak House" on Masterpiece Theatre tonight.
After a seriously busy week, the relaxation will be so welcome.
Anyone else watching it?
After a seriously busy week, the relaxation will be so welcome.
Anyone else watching it?
18 February, 2006
Costumes and Worship Leading
What do you do when you're on break? Last semester, I whitewashed three and a half sets of bookshelves, complete with door-front kits. This time, I planned two worship sets to lead at a homeschool moms conference and put together an authentic (mostly!) Pre-Civil War "gentleman's" costume for our son. He is at the Ball now, dressed as Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain.
I was basting the lining of the vest down during the conference, in between worship sets. I was stitching ends under as dear son drove us the 30 minutes to get to the Ball. I bled onto the thread, as I sewed stablizing stitches in the side seams to hold the back buckle/tie of the vest. Why didn't I bring a thimble?
The business and excitement of this week cannot be expressed here. Can I reiterate to you all how much mothers juggle??? But you already know that. Hubby was helping his sister move, and the younger kiddos had more freedom to run and play, shooting crossbows and dart guns at each other. All the while, I cut out patterns, sewed, typed, and Dear Daughter planned a new design for her room. She bought apple green and chocolate brown paint (which looks great, actually) and is now almost finished with her redecorating scheme.
Motherhood *is* a difficult job, but the rewards....ah! The rewards are priceless. I wouldn't trade it!
I hope to have pictures from my "sources" at the Ball. I do have pictures of sewing the cool vest, partially by hand. I've got to find the transfer cable for the camera first.
The mom's conference went well, in spite of below freezing temps and threats of sleet and ice. I am thankful for my older kiddos, for their help accompanying and singing with me for the worship time. It really did go well, thanks be to God. We were not nervous, and the songs went off almost completely without a hitch (only a few minor glitches). We did a mixed worship set of modern and some hymns done a capella. The second set was more upbeat and modern. I enjoy the shaker that I have, which helps keep time, and is adds a nice touch of percussion. It is just enough...mellow, yet not overdone.
I am exhausted. It's a good exhausted, though. I will be able to sleep for 12 hours, straight. I don't wish to have another crazy week like we've had...like I've had...for at least another year or more. I do know that my son is very appreciative for the costume and effort on his behalf. That makes it worth it. Even more than that, though, is the sharing of talents and working together as a family to do something for others and most importantly, for the Glory of God.
In spite of the interesting practice times we had, I just have to say again that I am blessed with precious children. They are just so close to being grownups themselves, I am glad for these times of making memories together. Now I just want to sleep, sip some good coffee, read a good book, and snuggle with my Honey.
Where is that ice storm, anyway? I would love a good excuse to stay home for a day or two!
I was basting the lining of the vest down during the conference, in between worship sets. I was stitching ends under as dear son drove us the 30 minutes to get to the Ball. I bled onto the thread, as I sewed stablizing stitches in the side seams to hold the back buckle/tie of the vest. Why didn't I bring a thimble?
The business and excitement of this week cannot be expressed here. Can I reiterate to you all how much mothers juggle??? But you already know that. Hubby was helping his sister move, and the younger kiddos had more freedom to run and play, shooting crossbows and dart guns at each other. All the while, I cut out patterns, sewed, typed, and Dear Daughter planned a new design for her room. She bought apple green and chocolate brown paint (which looks great, actually) and is now almost finished with her redecorating scheme.
Motherhood *is* a difficult job, but the rewards....ah! The rewards are priceless. I wouldn't trade it!
I hope to have pictures from my "sources" at the Ball. I do have pictures of sewing the cool vest, partially by hand. I've got to find the transfer cable for the camera first.
The mom's conference went well, in spite of below freezing temps and threats of sleet and ice. I am thankful for my older kiddos, for their help accompanying and singing with me for the worship time. It really did go well, thanks be to God. We were not nervous, and the songs went off almost completely without a hitch (only a few minor glitches). We did a mixed worship set of modern and some hymns done a capella. The second set was more upbeat and modern. I enjoy the shaker that I have, which helps keep time, and is adds a nice touch of percussion. It is just enough...mellow, yet not overdone.
I am exhausted. It's a good exhausted, though. I will be able to sleep for 12 hours, straight. I don't wish to have another crazy week like we've had...like I've had...for at least another year or more. I do know that my son is very appreciative for the costume and effort on his behalf. That makes it worth it. Even more than that, though, is the sharing of talents and working together as a family to do something for others and most importantly, for the Glory of God.
In spite of the interesting practice times we had, I just have to say again that I am blessed with precious children. They are just so close to being grownups themselves, I am glad for these times of making memories together. Now I just want to sleep, sip some good coffee, read a good book, and snuggle with my Honey.
Where is that ice storm, anyway? I would love a good excuse to stay home for a day or two!
14 February, 2006
The Nitty Gritty
Parenting is just plain hard sometimes. Parenting is also a huge blessing in which hopefully good and pleasant fruit can be seen and harvested, for whatever we do, fruit *WILL*grow. I have experienced both the "just plumb hard" and the blessing of beautiful fruit today, and I am exhausted. But I thank God for guiding in His wise way...patiently working through the "players" to become better with communication and working THROUGH the hard stuff, instead of running away or quitting.
It can be a scary and intimidating task and journey knowing the gravity of the responsibility that God allows us to mold others, but also allows us to be molded in this process of growing up. We have to allow room for that, too.
God bless us all, as we strive to live with integrity.
It can be a scary and intimidating task and journey knowing the gravity of the responsibility that God allows us to mold others, but also allows us to be molded in this process of growing up. We have to allow room for that, too.
God bless us all, as we strive to live with integrity.
07 February, 2006
Antebellum Ball
The oldest son, 17 yo AnselAdams, has a dance coming up soon. It is an Antebellum Ball, and all have to attend "in character." The ball is for students and alumni of the worldviews classes which he attends. This week, they are learning some of the dances that would have been danced in the 1800's. 14 yo daughter has been recruited to go to the dance lessons to be a dance partner, so the guys in the classes don't have to dance with each other.
Our son has decided to go as Samuel Clemmens...aka Mark Twain. It promises to be an enjoyable and historic evening for all!
I thought that if I go as a parent chaperone, I'd like to go as Julia Ward Howe, or as a female spy :-).
Now we've got to get creative and pull the costumes together...or try to borrow from friends who used to participate in Civil War Reinactments. Here's hoping for some help, anyway!
The same day as the ball, AA and Dd and I will be leading worship a couple of times at a homeschool moms conference, so we will be very busy. I don't know why things like that tend to fall on the same weekend...we didn't know it at the time that we said "yes." We actually had to turn our own church down for worship leading for a Ladies' Day on the same day, since we'd already booked the other event first.
Normally, our family makes concerted efforts to keep some margin in the schedule, as much as is in our power to do so. It just doesn't always work out that way. I do believe that the Lord will supply the energy and effort we need to accomplish what He wills, as long as we line up with His will :-).
Our son has decided to go as Samuel Clemmens...aka Mark Twain. It promises to be an enjoyable and historic evening for all!
I thought that if I go as a parent chaperone, I'd like to go as Julia Ward Howe, or as a female spy :-).
Now we've got to get creative and pull the costumes together...or try to borrow from friends who used to participate in Civil War Reinactments. Here's hoping for some help, anyway!
The same day as the ball, AA and Dd and I will be leading worship a couple of times at a homeschool moms conference, so we will be very busy. I don't know why things like that tend to fall on the same weekend...we didn't know it at the time that we said "yes." We actually had to turn our own church down for worship leading for a Ladies' Day on the same day, since we'd already booked the other event first.
Normally, our family makes concerted efforts to keep some margin in the schedule, as much as is in our power to do so. It just doesn't always work out that way. I do believe that the Lord will supply the energy and effort we need to accomplish what He wills, as long as we line up with His will :-).
06 February, 2006
Currently Reading
We're still reading Huckleberry Finn and analyzing it just a bit. It's amazing how many details you can remember when you categorize things, either in your head or on paper. Three areas in which I like to categorize are: main characters, significant events, and setting. I am on Chapter Nineteen, and the main setting of this book, from chapter to chapter, centers on the River, and the comfortable and free world of the raft. As Huck writes, "We said there warn't no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft."
As the story and their journey progresses, Huck and Jim engage with the shoreline and the world of the towns along the shore more and more.
Huck grapples with some moral issues he'd never even thought of as moral issues before. He matures and grows. Jim and Huck become faithful, trustworthy friends who watch out for each other.
As the story and their journey progresses, Huck and Jim engage with the shoreline and the world of the towns along the shore more and more.
Huck grapples with some moral issues he'd never even thought of as moral issues before. He matures and grows. Jim and Huck become faithful, trustworthy friends who watch out for each other.
American Lit.,
books in my library,
HS High School
Words and Friends

Several of my friends on the blog ring have been suggesting this site to build a word cloud from your own blog or website. The primary reason is to have it printed on a T-shirt.
Maybe I'll purchase one this spring!!
Over the weekend, we were blessed to be at a small party/ceremony for some friends who were renewing their wedding vows for their 20th Anniversary. All our children got to be there, too, which provided a great example before them of friendship and marital love and commitment. Happy Anniversary to R. and P.!
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