These are some examples of my favorite types of things! I found these all in the last week at antique stores or bargain shelves. The linen towel says "All Linen Drywell Cloth." The autumn placemats were bought for 80% off, so I purchased 10 of them for our table. I was surprised to find that many, even.
I got a great idea from one antique shop owner. She told me to string the antique cookie cutters to use as ornaments on the Christmas tree. That'll work well, since I collect red-handled kitchen tools, and I've already got miniature red kitchen tool ornaments that I found on clearance last year.
The carved bird was just something extra special that I found, and bought a few for presents.
Kim!! I collect red handled kitchen tools, too (although mine are in storage right now) AND I have those very cookie cutters! I have also put them on the tree for ornaments at Christmas.;-)
They are fun to collect! I like the bit of Americana, plus it makes me think of my grandmothers, and I imagine them in their kitchens, one back on a farm near Ok. City, and the other in the little "city." That Grandma was a working Grandma; she and Grandad had their own dress shop.
I have my tools mounted at varying angles around the top of my kitchen, as a border. They were so enexpensive to collect, and my friends like finding them for me for birthdays and Christmas, as well. They come from all over America, as we'd stop on camping trips (in Colorado Springs, for example, we picked up one or two, one from Minnesota and Missouri, etc. I do use some of them.
The "Kimbo" coffee cup, espresso cup (in another picutre, here) and saucers were given by our friends who lived in Italy for a couple of years.
That may be my favorite.
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