Selah is one of my favorite groups of singers/musicians. In their music, anyone can enjoy absolute perfection of harmonies, collection of tender thoughts, expressions of depth of soul and faith, (not to mention blends) like those I grew up in, around, through, between, over, under, you name it...from the time I could hear in the womb! (for those of you who are familiar with the studies on sounds, voices, music on infants before and after they are born, it is fascinating reading.)
I *MISS* this music from time to time and want to swim into the depths of it; the contemplative and sometimes soulful, sometimes utterly joyful moments which make time seem to stand still. Selah is one of several groups I will pop into my jam box from time to time to focus, meditate, or sing along with...that is in lieu of getting our friends together to sing and encourage one another together in person!
Christmas music (classic choral works) music is also high on my list of favorites. The time is drawing nigh! St. Olaf Choir, Andrea Bocelli, Handel's Messiah, here we come! (Thank you, Lord!)
Tell me, if you have some time, what music, what singing / worshipping in song mean to you? What is its purpose and what are the benefits?
Gleefully yours,
I so enjoy Selah! The girls and I listen to their music often. I wanted to share the blog of one of Selah's wives. She began the blog to chronicle the story of the life and death of their youngest daughter. It is: http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/
Perhaps I will see you on Monday night!
Thanks, Mrs. Klause,
I do know of the blog and followed little Audrey Caroline's story since before she was born. 'Tis a heart-wrenching, yet strengthening testimony; one of those roads of testing (one of many) that we may have to travel as parents. Parenthood and stewardship of children and a home is the hardest and at times in different seasons most gut-wrenching job of all, where our hearts are just "out there" vulnerable on our sleeves.
But it is also the job that can be the most fulfilling. Somehow the cliche's are not cliches but deep wells after living through some of the toughest difficulties; wells that the Lord has pulled us out of to help us see the light and hope of a new day or season.
Man, maybe I should blog this instead of leaving it in the comment section!
Thanks for stopping by,
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