27 March, 2006


I just finished reading the following:

Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, John Steinbeck's The Pearl, and Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome. I just started reading Donald Miller's book, Through Painted Deserts. It is a revision of his book Prayer and the Art of Volkswagon Maintenance. He also wrote Blue Like Jazz, which I haven't picked up, yet, as my teens have been reading it. I'm also almost finished with a book of Billy Collins'poetry, most of which I really, really

With my book club, I am reading Charlotte Mason's Volume 6, Towards a Philosophy of Education.

What are you reading?


Anonymous said...

I just finished Nick Hornby's "Pollysyllabic Spree", a compilation of his column in Believer magazine. Each month, he chronicled books he bought and books he read ... sometimes the two had no crossover! He shucked everything in one of the summer months to read "David Copperfield." He has an autistic son and so had read a great book on that topic ("George and Sam"), something I would never find on my own but now want to read. His reviews of books were often hilarious.
Other than that, I'm previewing journalism textbooks with the prospect of teaching that within the next couple of years. And I'm skimming my kids' book lists (just finished "B is for Betsy") in order to know what they will read for school next year. Maria

tootlepip said...

I am currently reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Mere Christianity. This is a first time read in both.

Javamom said...


Sounds pretty fun!


Let me know what you think of Mere Christianity! It is a personal favorite that I've read at least four times since 1984. I keep finding new things each time, and appreciating things that I'd underlined before with a greater depth.

HowGreatADebtor said...

Hi :)

Recently, I've reread Pride and Prejudice; also Precious Bane. Have you read it? It has to be my favorite love story.

We're listening to Daughter of Time on CD on the way to music lessons each week. Lovely mystery... Now I need to find out how much of it is true!

And, a book on marriage is my current read. As for Me and My House by Walter Wangerin. The most indepth book on marriage I've ever read, I believe. And the most nontraditional, from a christian standpoint.

Happy reading! ~Colleen

Anonymous said...


I started Daughter of Time last fall then handed it over to my high schooler to read. I haven't seen it since! I just began Sense and Sensibility last night, since I was in the mood for some Austen.
I haven't read Precious Bane. I will have to look for it at the library!

Thanks for the recommendation!


Carol Hepburn said...

I read Daughter of Time last summer - in one sitting. I loved it! My son is reading it this year.

My reading list right now is short - Year 8 titles mostly: Voyage of the Armada by D. Howarth, Columbus bio by Hale, the New World by Churchill.

For my classical reading group, I am reading Aeschylus' The Oresteia (just finished Agamemnon).

Ps. Glad you loved Ivanhoe - I am not a Scott fan and we struggled through it. I also didn't care for Joan of Arc though I loved Twain's - Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World. What a hoot!