This is the card my family got for me. Isn't it beautiful? It plays a song that goes along with the poem inside. I don't recognize the song, but the syllables fit!! Our 13 yob made my favorite dessert for me: chocolate chip, fudgy brownies. We don't normally eat dessert, so a once-in-a-while treat is special.
I hope you all had a blessed Mother's Day. I cannot keep from thinking and praying for the mothers of the world. In fact, I ache for them. cyclone-ravaged Myanmar, earthquake stricken China.
Do keep them in your prayers and hearts. Take nothing for granted. Thank our Lord for each day with your families and friends. Pray that we can be the change that we ache for in this world. Even if only on a small scale, it is better than hiding away from the world or feeling like one person can do nothing.
With His Love,
Señora Javamom
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