I'll start with this shot on the inside of The Old North Church (aka Christ Church of Boston). Notice the hymnals in the boxed-in pews. We knew ahead of time that we would be able to worship with the congregation there. This was a highlight at the end of our first week away. The liturgical service was absolutely wonderful. The music, simply stunning. I loved reading musical notes again. I was not familiar with the hymns we sang, so it was a good workout to my sight-singing skills. The sermon was surprisingly casual, yet well-done!

We do know this hymn, but we did not sing it on that day.

We visited S'bux occasionally for a quad-shot Americano for most of us. The Americano is one of the cheapest routes to go w/coffee drinks here. Getting the employee discount saves quite a bit, too.

This is the former home of the once-famous Corner Bookstore, the *first* brick building in Boston. Here, Ticknor and Fields are said to have revolutionized American book publishing between 1845 and 1865. They earned the status of "worldwide renown" for "having a well-stocked shop, a prominent publishing house, and for being a magnet for the literary world." Here, they published the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emerson, Thoreau, Longfellow, and Horace Mann.

I love that man.
Further interesting reading along our path in Boston: It kind of makes me smile.

Hubby found this treasure for me, off the tourist path:

The dollar table to the left where I purchase an old, large hardback copy of the sketches and works of Winslow Homer for just $1. Another fitting purchase from New England.

I didn't get pictures at the garage sale we drove by while in Concord the second time. Sweet Hubby stopped so dd and I could search for little treasures. I found a stack of five or six books, an old limp-leather bound Bible, a hardbound book about The White House, and another book about the presidents, all for just two dollars. Dd bought a book on herbs and a cookbook. I think she spent 75 cents. Nice find, that! We also visited with an older British couple whose sons live in America now, down south not too far from where we live. It was a neat exchange about culture and climates. Not just small talk about the weather, for sure!
We didn't buy coffee here in the heart of Boston this time, so I couldn't compare flavors. However, the storefront is simple and elegant.

Coffee shop on the edge of Lexington.

Monument on Lexington Green, near the Minuteman Statue. It has the names of all the ministers who served at least one of the historic churches in some way. I think it was for the John Hancock church there on the green. (There are two buildings of different congregations on the green, but the monument was nearest the J. Hancock church building). Yes, one of the men on the list was John Hancock himself. Something new for me to research. I also liked the book/Bible on top of the monument.

The next photo depicts ice cream night at our old favorite home-made ice cream shop in Lexington that is *still* in business after all these years, so no coffee. We could, however, enjoy some wifi while we just lingered on the benches, taking in the fresh air and visiting like the locals. We did not feel rushed, nor did we feel like tourists. We were oldies coming back to one of our homes. It was fantastic.

This next shot is not a book but it is from the writing of R. Waldo Emerson. It is etched in stone near the Minuteman Statue and the North Bridge in Concord, MA. This brief section is but a portion of what became known as "The Concord Hymn."

Now to one of my favorites of the trip. This is a reproduction at Plimoth Plantation, a well done replica of a period, hand-sewn, raised-band, leather on board binding, with 'splayed-out thongs.' You can see them in the photo, they look like stick people under the leather. This was exciting to see and handle.

And I cannot forget our own, special camp coffee. Has a taste all its own! Most of the time, it is pretty good!

I would be out-of-line if I did not confess that several times, when we got up quickly and quietly to break camp and move to our next destination, that we opted for Dunkin Donuts coffee. This was for hubby, as we do have fond memories of DD coffee when we lived and worked in the Boston area. I took no photos, though some of the DD shops were in old, old homes and structures. All part of New England building codes, which certainly adds to the charm and keeps New England looking mighty lovely. I am a huge fan of that.
One final place in Maine was a log Cabin. I lost that photo in transferring all our shots from a laptop to my computer after returning home. At this little shop in a small township, we shared Maine Blueberry Pie and a giant Pecan sticky bun, for breakfast. Both were fresh and hot. The coffee was just alright, but the simple sweets and berries MORE than made up for it!
In Vermont, I found this treasure, but it was too expensive and too heavy to bring home:

Other books and coffee presents picked up or purchased on our journey:

I hope, my dear reader, that you have enjoyed a few of the treasures from the Books and Coffee trip journal of...
Javamom :-)
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