The Annals of the extremely diverse, artistic, literary, and musical lifestyle of a Charlotte Mason education-loving family. Our philosophy, even though our children are all grown now, is to allow for time and space in each day to be present for those memorable moments; the ones both on and off the calendar.
"'Stay' is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary."
~Louisa May Alcott
18 November, 2009
Behind The Wall: The Story of Birgit Lindemann
Behind The Wall ~
*Fantastic* interview from Birgit, who was raised as a "young pioneer" in East Berlin and how the fall of the Berlin Wall changed her and her family's life. Go listen!! Let your kids listen to this. Fantastic personal account of this time in history and what it was like for children of parents who loved their party and towed the party line. She also touches on what she thinks now about kids in Berlin who never knew what it meant to have a wall (real wall and political wall) dividing you from loved ones and privileges that you can only smell and imagine.
Take some time to reflect on history
17 November, 2009
Hand Bookbinding and Restoration services available
One of the plainest examples of my work, but I have many detailed photos you can view by clicking on the subject links in the right-hand margin, more specifically, bookbinding and restoration.This book had lost it's spine and spine cover, so I cleaned off the old, acidic spine glue and materials and created a new spine and covered it with new, matching bookcloth. I could have created a new title label for it, but it was not asked for.

These are just a few examples of hand-bound journals that I have made and sold, available in any size you would like. Bookcloth is more durable, but these craft papers hold up well. I can attest to this, as these are the style I use for my own journal books.
Let the binding begin!
10 November, 2009
Spanish practice through music
These have excellent sound quality, as well, and I'm looking forward to giving some of these a try.
Preview for any topics you personally might want to avoid with younger ages (i.e. love or dating relationships).
09 November, 2009
Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!

At some point during that weekend, we were able to visit the Checkpoint Charlie Museum, and spend time pouring somberly over the stories and artifacts of those who escaped or died trying to escape from East to West.
This was truly one of the top ten best times of my education. I came away from that experience more grateful for my blessings, and prompted me (still prompts me) to mourn the greed, waste, and indifference that I saw then and still see today. I am not perfect by any stretch in trying to live a less commercial lifestyle and to appreciate the simple things, but this helped to take stock of my life and my values and to live what I believe without apology or shame. I am not anti-capitalist, but, I am a fan of buying what you can afford or need, not being so indulgent.
This post is a perfect reminder of the attitude of gratitude that we should have as we soon celebrate Veterans Day, toward our military~our brothers, uncles, granfathers, sons, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, etc., who have served to protect us and our country through in the armed forces. We owe them more than we can give, and often, simply thanking them can really encourage them.
I know of no better way to leave you thinking about and pondering our blessings, and being thankful to God for them, and our military who have worked and fought to serve and protect us.
Chao for now,