22 April, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

It is taking off after some rain and now some heat!

Hubby removed the grass from half of the garden edges, but we still need to finish the left side and put the rocks back in place. (photo above)

swiss chard - we also have red chard, but it is still very small.


yellow squash

yellow squash

above is a rogue set of plants that grew from our compost. I thought it might be cantaloupe, but it could also be cucumber!


Green bean seedlings that need to be placed in the garden very soon!

snow peas just coming up (by the fence, far left) herbs (sage, thyme, oregano, even dill) left corner of the photo. Zuchini on the right, tomatoes in the middle, peppers (bell and jalapeno) upper left corner.

We also need more mulch, maybe we'll get it this weekend. I already need to get after some weeds and nutgrass.

What are you growing?


1 comment:

Robin in New Jersey said...

You are so blessed to be able to have a garden!

It looks great!