26 June, 2011

Tomato plant care 6-25-11

A friend recently asked some details about tomatoes, so I am sharing these photos with her in mind. The summer is flying by and I started this post about tying / staking up tomatoes a month ago! These plants have more than doubled in size now. However, it has been a busy summer, with lots of hands-on care needed in the garden, and lots of reading, study, and decluttering the house in my 'free-er' time, to get ready for the fall school term.

We use jute or twine to 'weave' among the stakes between each tomato plant.

Next, we wind the twine around the stake and tie it (no knot, though, unless needed. These wooden stakes hold the twine just fine, no slippage) before stretching it on to the next stake.

The twine gently supports the branches of the tomato plant, providing some 'give' as it grows outward and upward.

You will notice how the plants have grown in my next post about the whole garden in general!

I wish the garden was larger, but this is an extremely hot year to try and keep it alive and growing. In fact, it has been too hot for some of our tomato plants to set their blossoms.

Hope you are enjoying summer tomatoes from your own (or a friend's) garden this summer!
There's just no comparison to grocery store tomatoes.



Robin in New Jersey said...

You are correct, nothing beats a truly fresh tomato. I can't wait for fresh Jersey tomatoes. Soon...

Do you have any tomatoes yet?

Javamom said...

Yes! We have grape tomatoes, pear tomatoes, smaller vine tomatoes, and a couple of heirlooms that don't like this heat. Mr. Sripey has not produced much at all, and black krim has done Okay. Oh, and the cherry tomato plant is doing pretty well, too. I guess the smaller tomatoes do alright in our heat?