Sometimes I think it is so strange that I have adult children! I must simply be in denial of my own age ;-). I've decided to blog a "Where are they now?" post, for any of my followers who are wondering why I don't post much about homeschooling anymore.
Well, we have three homeschooled graduates now. Our oldest is married and is racing and building bicycles. He has followed his passion. He met his dear wife at our old church home. They were married by their youth pastor. She is attending college and is an incredible artist.

Here he is, working at the bike shop ~

And racing (what a beast)

That's him at #2

#1 -- he ended up finishing 5th in his age group! This was just one pack of riders.

DC #2 met her hubby in my high school Spanish class at one of our local homeschool co-ops.

They have been married for over a year now, and just got back from (yet another) nature adventure, this time it's not Iceland, but several national parks in the Pacific Northwest. He is a
stellar photographer and she loves cooking and nutrition.
DC #3 is staying local for the time being and will be attending college close to home. He is interested in sports training and nutrition.

So that leaves us with just one left to homeschool.

some of his favorite hobbies

visiting the big siblings up north

They are all so similar and yet so unique! But also, the more things change, the more they stay the same ;-).

DC #1, 2, and 3, at the beginning of our homeschooling journey
Hubby and I used to long-distance cycle, so yes, he is wearing compression pants, even then!
Our family ~ Christmas 2010

We are thankful for the blessings, for the freedom to homeschool and to raise them to the beat of a different drummer.
p.s. How are your families growing along the way? I am blessed to know some wonderful homeschool families, and have enjoyed watching their kids grow, and even getting to teach some of their children Spanish or American Lit!
What a wonderful update on your family, Kim!
Awww, thanks, Robin!!
I enjoyed the pictures and the update! Also, I like your blog name addition-- "Education of a Pondering Mom" Great stuff!
Brief story: Last night we were talking about tomatoes, and dd16 said, "Everything tastes better from a garden." I immediately thought of your influence on her! She sure didn't get that idea from our house. It has to be from years of classes at yours... you have been teaching more than Spanish and American Lit, and I am grateful. ;o)
It was good to see the pictures and the update. Our family, too, is growing and changing. Our two oldest are out on their own in different states in the south (we live in WA). Our son is in the navy and married. Our third son will be graduating this coming school year and our youngest still has 3 years to go. Life changes so much. We feel fortunate that we get to take a trip this week to see our out of staters.
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