An original Parents' Review Magazine, founded and edited by Charlotte M. Mason
This one, from 1933, was edited by Elsie Kitching, as Charlotte had died in 1923.
I'm going to make a conservator's portfolio to keep this safe in an acid- and dust-free environment, after de-acidification, of course!
My favorite quote from this volume so far is by Monk Gibbon. I've boldened my favorite lines. The one about the sausage machine caused me to chuckle!
"...surely the future of the P.N.E.U. is this mission of cultural education as against education for the examination test, the qualifying standard, the stereotyped norm? Let others feed the sausage machine and let the P.N.E.U. remain with its few disciples outside the factory. I don't mean let it remain static, but where it moves forward, let it move forward along the line of this ideal, rather than the line of standardisation and tests, emphasising always that the only education that matters is this education of the soul, with all those mental and moral qualities which go to make up character. If we have new books--and why not?--let them be chosen for literary quality, which was Miss Mason's own criterion. If we have new ideas--and without new ideas we shall soon stultify and become a bundle of dried grass in a beautiful vase--let them be tried by the test she herself applied: 'Does this contribute to the enlightened and balanced spirit towards which we strive, or is it only another catch-penny or catch-notice device of the sensation-mongers, the people to whom everything new is necessarily good, everything old necessarily outworn?' P.N.E.U. cannot afford to be behind the age: it must be like all great movements a little--I shan't say in front of, but--outside it; that is, too conservative to been trapped by its imbecilities, too liberal to miss any of its advances. It must be on the watch to absorb all that is good in the new without losing its sense of proportion by embracing what is ephemeral merely for the sake of being modern."
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