This makes me think of a broadway song (from 42nd Street). "Come and meet those dancin' feet...on the avenue I'm takin' you to, Forty-Second Street. Hear the beat of dancin' feet [those hap, hap, ha-apy feet]..."
Inspired by Leslie, whom (who?--I'm married to an English teacher, lol) I know in real life, I'm posting my shoes. Leslie was prompted by Randi's Get Real Monday post. This is not all of them. I can't find my espadrille style beaded black toe sandals, or my silk-style woven floral black-on-black symphony date dress pumps. These are some of my favorites. My toenails are not painted today, as they usually are! I like a soft, barely-there pinkish white, or a burgundy-brown nail polish.
Several of these shoes were given to me by my sis-in-law (who has a thing for shoes!) when she moved out of her big house several months back. They are more colorful, as I tend to be more practical in my shoe choices. Hers are also in brand new condition (she had so many she never wore some of them), but they are perfect for my symphony dates with the Dread Pirate Sparsebeard!
This really exhibits who we are/what we do, doesn't it? I've got cycling shoes, walking shoes, rafting shoes, hiking shoes for adventure and fun, comfy shoes, easy slip-ons, and some beautiful shoes for some beautiful moments.
Which pairs (There are two) do you think are my everyday shoes? it's a trick question :-) Virtual Toblerone to the one who guesses correctly!
Wow, you have a lot of shoes!
I suspect that your everyday shoes are the ones with your feet in them! ;)
Yes to one of them...
they are worn on the inside; one can see dark impressions of my tootsies in them... :-)
I bet they are not the hot red shoes! They don't look like they would be comfy for everyday but I really like them!!!! :)
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