08 May, 2008

time for another edition of "Garden Update"

Things are getting bigger! From left to right: marigolds, mint (from our old garden...came back along the rocks and edges), potatoes (not up, yet). Second row: lettuce, one cabbage, badly attacked by cabbage worms, squash. and cantelope. Third row: romaine lettuces, multiple varieties of tomatoes. Fourth row: romaine lettuces and pepper plants of various sorts. Fifth row: onions, onions, onions.

Herbs and strawberries

Pictures *are* worth a thousand words, right?! I love the shape of pepper blossoms.

Bell pepper

One iceberg lettuce. This was given to us as a seedling, and we had no idea what type it was at the time. The rest of the lettuce is Romaine, with one red-leaf lettuce plant.



Katie said...

Everything is coming up nicely!

At our house, unfortunately, the only development is a fence post that rotted at ground level due to the low-lying, water-gathering area we dug up for a garden and then never got around to filling in with good soil. So we are planting a post instead of vegetables! Live and learn, right?

tootlepip said...

Everything looks just lovely! It seems funny that you have so much that is so big. We still haven't had more than a couple days in a row with sun. It has been a long cold and wet winter/spring.

Birdie said...

Wow! Everything looks wonderful.

Jubilee said...

These really look great! When should we come for dinner?

Party of 8 now, you know...