26 September, 2005

Settling down

Our family has had exciting times of late, and been on the go with some big commitments and opportunities. My mother always told me that this season of life is the busiest. She reiterated that message to me when we saw her this past weekend, her healing leg propped up on a cushioned chair.

We all drove several hours to the city for her Mother's 90th Birthday party at the old Church of Christ building near Mammaw's home in Oklahoma, the one that holds so many special memories for me. One in particular being that it is the place where I really began to get to know my hubby back in 1984.

He was a youth minister-intern at my Grandad's congregation one summer (he was so surprised when I told him who my Grandad was-one of the elders at the church), and that is where we decided that we needed to go have lunch together a couple of times that next week. I was to head off to Germany for the summer, and he wanted to see me before I left. It is where we met up again after I returned at the end of that summer, as I went back to college a little early, staying with my Mammaw and Grandad until the dorms opened.

But back to the party...all of my aunts and uncles from both sides of the family were there, except the one who lives in Louisiana. He and his wife were waiting out Hurricane Rita. They made it through with just some fence damage and maybe a downed tree or two.

We made it home safely, and just in time to head over to our Art Gallery Photography Exhibit Reception on Saturday evening. It was *such* a special night! Even the President of Izamal, Yucatán and his wife flew in (around Hurricane Rita!) to be there with us and to give a speech. I was humbled and amazed. The Korean Missionary we stayed with in Izamal was also there for this special night of celebration.

Ds and I both have one print each that has sold so far!

I am tired, even though we had a restful Sunday and Monday. It is the *good* tired, the feeling of accomplishment. Today, I've had a lot of time to prepare for teaching American Lit. class tomorrow. I have a couple of good exercises planned regarding Benjamin Franklin's aphorisms.

I'll post more about my Grandmother and her surprise birthday party later.

For now, please go read a most inspiring post by my friend at
Liberty and Lily. Take a little time to let her words and thoughtful writing sink in. The post is titled "Ready for Anything," and I'm sure you'll agree that it is more than worth your time to read.

Goodnight, all!

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