01 September, 2005

Some help and ideas for "down the road"

From my friend over at Liberty and Lily and the rest of the Ambleside Online advisory board:

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Help for Katrina Victims

It's not much - but it's something.

AmblesideOnline has just put up HELP - Helping Hand Emergency Lesson Plan, which is explained this way:

This is a free, complete, user-friendly curriculum plan for homeschooling families who need support, encouragement and alternatives to the curriculum they've lost in a disaster, and also for churches and other groups needing to set up temporary schools for children who may not have been homeschooled. All texts and teaching materials needed to implement this plan are free online. The only things you need are access to a computer and printer, paper and pencil. Please print out and share this information freely with anyone who might need it.

We know that there are more important things than missed schooling during a crisis. But sometimes in the midst of disasters, creating a small oasis of normalcy and continuity is very important. In the midst of such a disaster, grown ups with many urgent details on their minds cannot focus on thinking up things for children to do, and it is our prayer that this free resource will fill a needed niche.

The Advisory (a circle of women of which I'm honored to be a part) simplified and culled resources from the vast AO online library to create an immediate-use, multi-grade lesson plan. Every history, science, and literature book is fully online. There are math ideas, craft ideas, links to artwork and music, and much more.

Life will be disrupted for many for a long, long time. Those families who homeschool, or those locations that just need ideas and material for play and reading and creativity for children, can find quick links and inspiration here.

Spread the word. Keep on praying, and doing whatever you can do to help the aching southland.

And be sure to give, whatever you can.

You can send financial help to Samaritan's Purse - and pray God multiplies your gift, and that it reaches those who need it most.

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One last bit from Javamom:

As mentioned in my previous post, Curriculae and books will be collected by Project Noah to be sent to all the homeschooling famlies who have lost everything in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The folks at Project Noah will be updating their website as soon as possible. Those types of needs are not as pressing at this moment, but will be dealt with at a later date.

In the meantime, think about boxing up some things that you can ship today. That's what my kids and I will be doing on our Labor Day Holiday weekend.

Keep praying...

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