08 September, 2005

Photograpy Exhibition

Update 9/10/05

Hubby's and my friend, the photography teacher, helped me get my photos framed, and even encouraged me by framing a couple of the photos for me that I entered in our Photo Exhibition in Izamal. They were some of his favorites that he really wanted to see in this gallery exhibition. Now I have six 11 x 14's and three 16 x 20's entered.

I am hoping these exhibitions bring attention to the non-profit organization that we are working on developing, to help the people of Izamal to help realize their cultural identity again, and find some hope for supporting themselves and their families. The local mayor down in the Yucatán and other officials are helping us in any way that they can!

post script to:

DS and I worked on six - 8 x 10 photos each today, twelve in all. These photos are from our Photo Safari ~ Project Izamal, Yucatán. We printed them at Grandma's house, and measured and cut the 11 x 14 mat boards at hubby's school this afternoon. My son even got his all framed by the evening. I was able to frame one (my favorite) scene in a 16 x 20 mat and frame, and framed up one of my 11 x 14's. It is also one of my favorites, and is a protrait of a lady in red who sold squash around town from her bicycle.

I still have to go back up to the photography room tomorrow after our co-op classes and frame 5 more of mine. We were able to enter more photos than originally expected! Yes!!

We set up the exhibition next Tuesday evening, with a big reception on the 24th of September.

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