First of all, I have to mention that someone left us a nice Christmas card blessing over the weekend. Thank you, whoever you are!
Oh, my!! Thanks to my in-laws! This is what I REALLY wanted, but didn't ask for. Somehow, my fil just knew! He and my mil are professional photographers, btw.
Close-up of our new camera, (candid taken by our oldest son, on his Canon).
When it comes to college ball, we have a house divided (one decided Longhorns fan and two serious Sooners fans), but boy were these guys surprised with some college football gear they've been asking for :-). We got 'em beanies but later in the day, their Aunt and Uncle supplied them with caps and a hoodie or a vintage T-shirt of their favorite team. They were also happy to receive some Starbucks gift cards that Hubs and I and some friends gave them.
For family bonding through airsoft battles :-)
I had no idea that there was anything printed in Gullah, let alone the Bible. How interesting. We were married on an island off of the coast of Charleston, S.C. and we return every year for a family vacation, so we are familiar with hearing the language spoken. I think it would be fascinating to see it in print.
This is a project that Wycliffe Bible Translators and others have been working on for about 25 years, I think. It just came out within the last year or so. We heard about it on NPR and on the news, and found it fascinating, since dh and I both love language(s).
I'll post some verses from time to time, just for fun!
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