My local Charlotte Mason friends have joined me to read CM's volumes 1 and 6 together, among other books written about CM and her methods over the past five or more years. We finished Volume One last month so we had a "CM quote bookmark exchange" and Christmas party for our December meeting. We even got a little spontaneous and called our missing CM mom friend, the Queen Bee, to serenade her for her birthday! We are not too wild, but we do know how to have a good time discussing Charlotte and encouraging each other along the way. Most of us in the group use Ambleside Online or HEO in our homes, some are new to CM. It's a neat mix of moms!
Not all my pictures came out so well, so a few moms are missing from the photos. We average about 10 moms per meeting, but have been known to have twenty attend some months! These ladies have become a really good support system, more micro-focused than just our regular hs support group. It has been really incredible to study with and even share in some homeschooling with some of these moms! I know that I am blessed! These moms literally drive from four corners of suburbs or cities in our metro area to join in the study and fellowship each month.

"Mothers work wonders once they are convinced that wonders are demanded of them."
~ C. Mason

"All beautiful and noble possibilities are present in everyone."

"I am, I can, I ought, I will." (framed above and on the bookmark below)

I don't remember what this one says, but isn't this creative? This one wins my vote for the clever award...it doubles as an ornament!

"And the only vital method of education appears to be that children should read worthy books, many worthy books."
The mom who made the above bookmark is expecting another child soon, so is very busy these days! She was not supposed to make one of these, but look how beautiful and detailed this is! You can't tell from the angle, but it has glitter on some sections, and it just sparkles when the light hits it.

"We are educated by our intimacies."

"The teacher who allows his scholars the freedom of the city of books is at liberty to be their guide, philosopher and friend; and is no longer the mere instrument of forcible intellectual feeding." (this is the one I made)

Mother Auma took this one. I had not opened my present, yet at this point. Mine was made by Señora Smith and is in the second photo at the top of this post.
Merry Christmas, friends and fellow CM families! Enjoy this special season with family and friends.
I was so sorry I couldn't make it, but I was so happy you all called and sang to me! It was a nice birthday present! Thanks!
Oh wow. CM group. Starbucks. Christmas gifts. And a call to Queen Shenaynay?
Pure bliss.
I enjoyed 'being' there, cyber-wise :-)
Mine was, "Nourish a child daily with loving, right, and noble ideas...which may bear fruit in his life."
It now hangs beautifully on our tree! :)
That's right, the same quote that is on our club T-shirts! Thanks Jubilee :-).
WOW. I'm just sitting here with my mouth agape. WOW. First of all, I had absolutely no idea that there were so many CM bloggers that actually "knew" each other in real life! I just came across your blog through a random AO blog search, and there are several bloggers mentioned that I read regularly. I mean, "Mother Auma took this photo"? WOW. I know my reaction might sound a bit funny, but you have to understand - I personally know only one other CM mama, and I talk with her maybe twice a year. It's so wild to me that so many of you actually meet and get to talk face to face like this. I'm laughing at my own reaction. I'm just literally amazed. Wow. What a blessing for you all! :)
JacciM, we all live in TX...where are you? I understand the mouth-dropping awe...I used to share the same wonder myself back in the early nineties when we first began CM homeschooling and knew almost no one who hs'ed this way. Most were textbooky hs'ers, with but a few exceptions. We have the KONOS curriculum creators here, and the Cornerstone Curriculum creators in our metro area, as well. It is a huge, huge blessing. The Lord brought CM ladies my way over the years, and my crusade has grown!!
Mother Auma is our youngest son's piano teacher, and I teach her dd's Spanish. Our oldest graduated at the same time as Queen Shenaynay's oldest: just this past spring. We've worked a couple of CM-style conferences together in various capacities, one time even singing! Our newest book club mom is very new to AO, but they are just loving it. I see her posting on AO from time to time.
Donna-Jean has been a cyber-friend for at least ten years, but we've never met in person. She is such a wonderful mentor. The summer she was in Texas, my oldest son and I were given free spots on a trip to the Yucatán peninsula for a humanitarian photography and mission adventure. I must confess, it was tough to choose that trip over the AO conference.
Please stop by anytime!
p.s. I see our newest bk club mom even posted to the CM carnival! She is teacherbritt on Xanga. That is so cool!
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