One of our Christmas traditions...singing all of Handel's Messiah.

...and getting to see a good family friend whom we haven't seen in years, Miss Barbara! She moved back home to Tennessee, so this is the event and the friends for which she returns, ever-so-briefly. She had to fly out the very next morning. (I'm the one making the silly face on the left)

The Tenors - each group or soloist stands when they sing. On the choruses, we all stand.
The host himself is in shorts! It was over 80 degrees last Saturday. I gave him only a little bit of a hard time... he is the host after all! Hubby had the same T-shirt that he wanted to wear, but I cracked the whip :-).

The sopranos. Cathy, our hostess, is on the right in the red blouse.

The basses - Hubster is in the white shirt and red tie :-)

My fellow altos, although I did sing one of the soprano solos (I'm actually a mezzo-soprano)
"How beautiful are the feet of them that bring the gospel of peace..."
My other favorite (alto) solo...
"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, and he shall gather the lambs with his arms, with his arms...."
This was our best year so far. It gets easier (but that is a relative term!) each year.
This work is so glorious, and being in the middle of it brings goose bumps and causes the little hairs on our arms to raise.
1 comment:
Do I spy Jo C? I know her! Sounds like a great time!
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