We have not been to the zoo since our high schoolers were young, therefore, our 10 and 12 yo have not been since they were too young to remember. We went this week, as Androcles wanted primarily to see the primates! JAudubon wanted to see the reptiles. We all enjoyed the tigers! They were very active, playing with large toys, growling, and swimming in the water. We got to practice our Spanish, as well. We were in the minority, and I welcomed the practice. The cutest, 3 yo boy was calling the tiger a "gato." His mama snickered and said "no gatos, pero tigres!" I told him "los tigres son muy grandes," as I was squatting down to get a better view of the tigers under a railing.
The nature exchange is an educational building there that we need to visit again. You can take in items from your nature walks, including your nature journal, and get points for these items. Then you may, in turn, save all your points for something larger or something for a particular collection you might have. For example, a large pine-cone not native to your area, or a large, fancy shell, rocks and minerals, or fossils, even a meteorite!
They had a neat collection of bottles of sand from all over the country and the world. That was fascinating. They didn't have any from Italy though, or the Mediterranean, which surprised me. The sand came in many colors and textures, from white to orange, and fine to miniature shell-like. Very interesting.
Well, as soon as I get the picture of one of the primates transferred, I will post it. He was doing tricks for us!
Happy preparations for your Day of Thanksgiving, all!
I think it's great that you've got a Blog. You're an adult, and you actually know how to use one! This is exciting for me! My own father asks me how to set up an e-mail. Technology is moving far too fast.
Good day to you.
Why, thank you, Hannah . I do not, however, have a cell phone of my own. I rather prefer it that way, though. Those have really changed so much over the past few years.
Stop in any time!
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