31 January, 2006

Learn Spanish Sites

Here are a couple of helpful sites for learning and strengthening Spanish speaking skills. You'll discover a plethora of links all over these pages, including differences between ser and estar and other confusing verb pairs. You'll also find an article on taking the confusion out of the words por and para.

Another site that I like to recommend presents the most common Spanish words, parts of speech, and then also verbs in chart form, beginning about 1/3 of the way down the page.

Here is another site regarding conjugation of verbs.

It is imperative that you hear the language spoken by native speakers, in order to better your own pronunciation. This site has audio samples of restaurant dialogue. My speakers seem to be messed up right now, so I can't double-check...but if I'm remembering correctly, I think it is Castillan Spanish, which has a couple of differences (thought minor) from Spanish spoken in Mexico, Central America, and another dozen or so countries.

Check this site for more exercises, and links to comics in Spanish.

Practice every day, and enjoy learning another language!


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