17 January, 2006

What's a coffee fiend to do when...

Dear Daughter accidentally shatters the twenty-cup coffee carafe pump-thermos? We used it to keep the coffee warm, which is not unusual, except that our coffee maker heating element does not work anymore. Yes, we had it repaired once, with not such great results. This means that I have been boiling water and pouring it by hand through the glass top of coffee machine, which is a little different than standard home coffee makers. It is a Capresso Aroma Classic, which makes the best coffee I've ever had, but I've been hand-pouring the boiling water through the dead machine for over a year, now, then transfering the hot coffee to the pump-thermos. Well, now that this is broken, how will I keep the coffee warm?

I could just make capuccino twice a day with our stove-top, Italian (Bialetti) 2-mug or three [small] cup espresso pot.

Or, I could spend 160 plus dollars (!) on a new Capresso. The old one did last for a *very* long time. It was just so frugal to keep boiling water in a large measuring cup in the microwave, or on the stovetop and hand-pouring it into the chamber, without the need to purchase a fully electric new one. We could just buy another pump thermos. That *would* be the cheaper, quick fix. Did I mention already that it makes the best coffee in the world? I'm not kidding. I could give you a list of folks who've tried our coffee, who love full-flavored, even strong coffee, who would recommend this machine to you.

You can make weaker coffee in this machine, it is just not my preference. The boiling water (maximum temperature) is on the grounds for about 4 1/2 to 5 minutes, the maximum time for the best tasting coffee, without overextracting flavor from the ground beans.

Pondering the choices...still far cheaper than going to Starbuck's, which I only splurge for maybe six or eight times a year, half the time ordering a simple Americano, less than half the price of my favorite: Venti Mocha. Who needs to go there when I can make them at home?

1-18-06 Upate: I was able to secure a new pump thermos today for less than $18. Ah! The little things in life that just add to the richness of it...



HowGreatADebtor said...

Hi :) Have you ever tried a French press? Very inexpensive and very similar to what you're doing now... Boil the H2O, pour it over the coffee and brew for about 5 minutes, then press the grounds to the bottom. That's what I've been using since Christmas, also making my better-half's coffee in his new percolator! I don't know why we can't ever agree on coffee... ;)

Colleen in Wis.

Anonymous said...

I considered buying a French press in the nineties, so tried out different ones at friends' homes. I enjoy coffee made in a percolator better than French Press. That's basically what our stove-top capuccino maker is, just smaller and shaped differently. I also prefer to use a machine with a paper filter, which they say (this year, anyway ;-) filters out harmful oils from the beans.

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot to sign my name! That was me~


HowGreatADebtor said...

Harmful oils, eh? I'll have to look into that.