31 October, 2006

In bittersweet loss and in joy

Ah, time flies when things get busy...and life is full of surprises and stresses. My family is so very blessed, even amidst the stresses.

I got a call just a couple of hours ago from my sister, who was just visiting me for a long weekend last weekend.

It seems that my Mom's Mother in Oklahoma, who is a three-year-cancer survivor, has fallen this evening and the hospital couldn't wake her up. She had been doing pretty well
this year. But, I just got an update after the hospital ran tests. They say that she has had a massive stroke. She is 91 years old, and has survived a lot, but as soon as my Uncle makes it to the city tomorrow, my Mom and her sisters and brother are going to pull her life support...that should be Wednesday sometime. Pray that her passing is as if she were walking right into the Lord's loving arms. Pray that my Mom, Aunts and Uncle are comforted immediately, even though they've been preparing themselves for this possibility.

Please pray for travelling mercies as we head to the funeral, maybe on Friday, or perhaps on Saturday.

Bittersweet reunions will be the theme of the week, as we celebrate our mother/grandmother's life, and also celebrate the homecoming of my nephew, who is scheduled to be on American soil tomorrow (Wednesday) evening.

The whole family needs prayers for safe travel and comfort; the safety to feel the extremes of emotions that we will be sharing all week of sadness, joy at the storehouse of memories, and celebration of my grandmother's homegoing to be with our Lord, and Greg's homecoming to his wife, two sons, twenty cousins (just on my family's side :-), six nieces and nephews, two aunts (including me!), two uncles and a host of other extended relatives, who will be hugging his neck for his service to our country; thankful to have him home in our arms.

We don't grieve as those as those of this world, Praise be to God.


In Him who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine,


30 October, 2006

Neat opportunity

Our daughter, a sophomore, and our son, a senior (who is going to be out of town on a worldviews weekend campout) were invited to attend a special Portfolio Day field trip an area university this weekend. They were invited by another teacher, a friend of my husband.

It's funny timing, as I will be presenting a homeschooling workshop on Saturday morning on Internships, mentoring and apprenticeship opportunities for high schoolers and older.

What experiences do my readers have with their high school children and continuing education toward their future careers? DO share them with me!


29 October, 2006

Lots of Company!

The big weekend has come and gone. What a fun and precious time it was. The news on my nephew is that his unit got bumped on the timetable and flight home by a unit with a higher ranking officer. So he has still not left Baghdad, as far as we know. Family travelled to our area to stay overnight on the way to Ft. Hood for Greg's homecoming. We got the news after everyone had taken time off of work and made their reservations for accomodations near Ft. Hood. Think of how many hundreds of people had to cancel reservations and wait to make new ones? How does the army justify that? I realize that it is minor compared to other things they do...this is just a small piece of straw on the camel's back, but it doesn't mean it's not important.

So, while my brother and his family were here on their way to go see their son's /brother's/uncle's homecoming, we had a little family reunion and brunch out here at our home. One of the neatest things about our little reunion this time was that our sister got to be with us. She has always missed out on our little 4th of July celebrations, family parties for nephews while on leave or about to go back to Iraq, etc., because of her own family needs, obligations, and the fact that she lived so far from most of us.

My sister surprised me this week by coming into town with a friend who needed a driving companion for the long trip. The young friend of my niece had never been out of their small town, and did not want to travel alone. My sister arrived Wednesday night and just left this morning, around 8:30. She so needed this break, as she and her husband, a full-time minister, are helping their daughter raise their toddler twins, since their dad walked out on them and got himself a girlfriend before the twins were born. Recently, my sis and her family were able to move to west Texas, now she lives a lot closer geographically than she has in years.

We had a great time doing a lot of catching up. We have not seen each other for a year and a half, since our grandmother's 90th birthday party in the summer of 2005. She has not been able to visit us at our home in about 10 years, so this was a treat. She was able to read and to rest easy, knowing that her grandbabies and daughter were safe and well-taken care of.

We took a few pictures at our family brunch yesterday. I'll have to post one of all my siblings here. It is on my husband's desktop and not mine, so it will need to be transferred. (Sheila, you will enjoy seeing everyone!)

A couple of my other great-"niephces" came this time, ones I haven't seen since last Thanksgiving. My nephew's sweet daughter saw that her picture was up on my frig and said to me, wide-eyed, "you remembered us??" and I said "You better believe it!!" She was my friend all day long! What a doll. Being and aunt is pretty awesome. Being a Great-Auntie is even better!! I have 15 great-"niephces" and one on the way! We are a pretty close family, even if we don't all live close. Two of my brothers and some of their kids live near us. The oldest one of us lives a state away, as all most of his kids/grandkids. His son Greg is returning from Iraq and they have just moved back at Ft. Hood. My sis lives only 5 or so hours away, now.

The snack treat of the weekend: Chocolate No-Bake Cookies and cold milk or strong coffee.
This was a family staple when we were all young. Brings back good memories.

All together, we had 21 of our family members here yesterday. That still leaves 26 that weren't here with us :-), which doesn't include our Mom and Dad, who started it all!! Several of my kids' friends visited during the day. Two of my 24-ish yo nephews went out and played airsoft gun battles in the fields with some of my kiddos and their friends. They had a terrific time of it! We sustained two broken chairs, one broken porch swing, a few cuts and scuffs from the airsoft battle around an old, abandoned house, and two shy kitties who hid in the back room all day :-).

Later in the afternoon, I took the gals shopping at a sample outlet. By evening, I was driving my sister to the opposite side of the city to pick up a transitional bed for one of her grandbabies. Everyone else went to hear my brother's band play about 40 minutes away.

At the store, I got to practice my Spanish several times. I found a wonderful 12' x 12' hardback copy of a Christmas Book en español called Cuentos y Cantos de Navidad for only $7.90!

It was a full day, and a fulfilling weekend!
Yes, I am sooooo tired, and I ~DID~ get a great nap today.

Keep praying that Greg and his unit make it safely home, and all of you have a wonderful, blessed week.


18 October, 2006

Nephew home soon

I heard from my brother this morning, and my nephew is coming home soon! Prayers for safety for all the troops are appreciated; pray that they arrive home well.

They will be leaving Baghdad in 6 days (unless the Army changes their mind again)! He should be arriving stateside somewhere between next Thursday and Saturday!!!
In other news...remember the base you saw on fire last week on the news?? That was his base and he said the ammo depot was roughly 150 meters from his quaters. One of the explosions blew out his windows and ripped his door in half. He said he was thrown around like a rag doll and was pretty sore the next day. He also said one of the mortars flew about 10 feet over his head and he ran a 4.0 40 to his quarters . But, at least a this point he is doing well.
I just want to thank everyone for your prayers so far and just one more time ask you to continue to do so untill his feet touch American soil!! (hopefully a week from tomorrow!)


16 October, 2006

Manhattan Transfer

I am an old Manhattan Transfer fan (since 1980). A couple of weeks ago, I won tickets on our local Classical radio station to go see them in Fort Worth at the beautiful Bass Hall Performing Arts Center in Sundance Square (which happened to be designed by a friend of ours, and his architectural team). We had great seats on the floor, basically in the middle...perfect for taking in those incredible, tight, jazz and swing harmonies.

Hubby got back from his freshman class trip chaperoning just in time to zip on over to the concert with me, though it was quite a change from being in the desert all week long!

I have to say that they've still (mostly) got it! I had wondered. I have not seen them live since 1981, so you never know (grin).

They sang some of the old standards: Candy, Tuxedo Junction, Java Jive :-) my favorite
and of course, Birdland...my second favorite.

When I was in High School, we performed many of their songs in our own high school vocal jazz group, in competitions and for shows, even at World's of Fun and Silver Dollar City. Those were busy/fun times! Oh, the memories...

Yes, it was nice to know that they've still got it...

Javamom, doin' the Java Jive

Manhattan Transfer

I am an old Manhattan Transfer fan (since 1980). A couple of weeks ago, I won tickets on our local Classical radio station to go see them in Fort Worth at the beautiful Bass Hall Performing Arts Center in Sundance Square (which happened to be designed by a friend of ours, and his architectural team). We had great seats on the floor, basically in the middle...perfect for taking in those incredible, tight, jazz and swing harmonies.

Hubby got back from his freshman class trip chaperoning just in time to zip on over to the concert with me, though it was quite a change from being in the desert all week long!

I have to say that they've still (mostly) got it! I had wondered. I have not seen them live since 1981, so you never know (grin).

They sang some of the old standards: Candy, Tuxedo Junction, Java Jive :-) my favorite
and of course, Birdland...my second favorite.

When I was in High School, we performed many of their songs in our own high school vocal jazz group, in competitions and for shows, even at World's of Fun and Silver Dollar City. Those were busy/fun times! Oh, the memories...

Yes, it was nice to know that they've still got it...

Javamom, doin' the Java Jive, swing, and even a little "Old, Soft Shoe!"

12 October, 2006

Alphabet Meme

From my blog friend, Carol

The new assignment is to use every letter of the alphabet to describe something important or descriptive of my personality. Only use one word per letter.

A = auditory processor :-)
B = bookbinder
C = Charlotte Mason conversationalist (that's a 2-fer :-)
D = decorator
E = extroverted (but borderline introverted)
F = family
G = guarded
H = helpful
I = inquisitive
J = journaler
K = Keeper of the Home
L = laid back
M = mountain and other music appreciator
N = natural night owl
O = outdoors
P = philosopher
Q = questioning
R = respectfully reluctant
S = symphony
T = teacher of Spanish :-)
U = understanding
V = visual
W = wonder
X = x-treme sports (sometimes)
Y = yield
Z = zealous

11 October, 2006

A most gorgeous sunset

Describing the most beautiful but quick sunset that I've observed in months...

The clouds seemed to brush and swirl about the huge, burnt orange ball still peeping over the horizon. The background canvas was a brilliant light blue-ish teal. A globe of vibrant peachy-pink and subtle lilac hues glowed intensely from the center-most point, just above the now unseen sun...it *really* beamed an amazing light all its own on the horizon. It was the shortest, most brilliant sunset that I've gazed upon in so long. I wish that I'd have had a camera with me at 7:00 p.m. tonight, as I returned home from working with the cute, the interesting, and the busy "afterschool" kids.

I began and I ended my day with both a pink sunrise and a pink sunset, and it will be seared into my memory forever! It's not often that I free myself up (read: get up early enough ~snicker~) for the opportunity to observe both in one day. I tend to cash in on moments like these during camping/hiking trips or other travels.

What was your most lovely sunrise or sunset like? Why did you happend to see it? Was it planned or did it happen quite by accident?


Javamom, encouraging others to Take time to enjoy the sunrise/sunset

10 October, 2006

For Angela

The song you asked about in a previous post is on the Women of Faith Christmas album
and is track number 8. Hope this helps!! It is a beautiful song, and great for a trio :-)



07 October, 2006

Long time no update

As you can see, I've not been able to update in a couple of weeks, so my blog has become very boring! We are about to have a brief fall break, from our hs co-op. The homework and grading continues through this week, but we won't have classes this coming Friday.

I will, however, be covering my hubby's afterschool program at school...so I'll actually be busier than usual. I am going to be one tired chickadee next week, from the driving, as well as from the work.

Oldest son finished his Starbucks training and started his "real" work this past week. He loves it. Now I pray that he can juggle his responsibilities well, and keep up with his schoolwork with a good, humble attitude.

We saw a huge flock of butterflies clustered in the trees around sunset, during their regular, Autumn migration south, and even went back to the park another time this week to take friends to see them.

My parents will be in town next weekend, and we get to celbrate my Dad's 70th birthday (which is actually in November) with some of my brothers and their families while Mom and Dad are here.

I won free tickets to see Manhattan Transfer, now I'm wondering if it's going to work out for me to go and take one of my kids or friends with me, since Hubby cannot go on concert night.

So, my to do list looks like this this week:


~ Sing (Gals trio) for worship team this week
~ Run the afterschool program
~ follow up from parents of high school seniors meeting: make a phone call or two in planning for a couple of the activities for seniors (of which our son is one) in our co-op this year.
~ Edit and type up an old outline for new homeschoolers
~ Finish preparing speech to go along with above outline to be given on Oct. 18th
~ Send out quiz to my Spanish 1 class
~ grade Spanish 1 homework on Wednesday/Thursday
~ de junk a little in each room this week (15-30 minutes each day)
~ read for bookclub
~ shop, cook, clean-up and laundry as usual
~ celebrate a birthday

Things for which I am thankful:

~ anytime I get to see a humble spirit exhibited by loved ones, friends, or anyone in leadership
~ My family's efforts at learning to be patient with each other
~ the good friends that our kids have
~ cooler temperatures (well, it is staying in the 80's now, instead of the 90's!)
~ Bluebell icecream with caramel syrup!
~ good coffee
~ guitars and music
~ a van that runs well
~ grocery money :-)