08 May, 2007

nature observances

Visitors to our yard ~ the ducks stop through every day, making their rounds...in between the rains, that is. Yes, it is a marsh in our yard. No hay problema, I don't mind, at least not in the spring :-).

Also visiting today ~ Hackberry butterflies (en masse). Our bushes were covered with them, and I got so many photos, some with six or seven butterflies in the frame.


Katie said...

What great pictures!

We found a brown butterfly yesterday. It is posted on our blog. I thought it might be a hackberry, but after looking at your photos, I think ours has smaller, less magnificent wings. Will you pop over and see what you think it is?

Anonymous said...

I love ducks. I had several pet ducks, a couple of chickens and some quail when I was a girl.