11 September, 2008

Remembering 9/11/01

Taking some time today to reflect and remember all that happened seven years ago today. It was a horrifying day and a sobering month. Each year, when I peel and chop pears from our tree, I am reminded of how it was this ordinary harvest which NEEDED to be done that kept me sane instead of depressed. It helped to keep me focused on being Mom, wife, and neighbor amidst something awful that I could not change but had to walk through with my family, friends, and fellow countrymen. The simple step of acting upon the yearly harvest (instead of letting all the pears rot) reminded me of life and death and of God's provision even at dark times, of protection in many ways, for things might have been so much worse, and of constancy.

I reflect on it again this year, remembering those who were taken home on that day, praying for their families who had to learn to live again, remaining humbled and grateful for so many blessings, as I pray for God's protection on and over our country...


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