~ going to bed late and sleeping in late!
~ switching over the cool weather clothes to lighter weight summer clothes
~ rearranging of some furniture
~ cleaning, repairing where needed, and selling our 1989 World Book Encyclopedia set plus yearbooks to make space on some shelves
~planning to teach some book-making classes this summer
My meticulously detailed project of the holiday, though, was finishing this box repair job for Hubster's best buddy. This was his JB's grandfather's Domino box and it was literally falling apart at the seams, previously taped and retaped over the decades...dried out, and acid worn. I scraped, treated, lined, and recovered it in a nice, old-fashioned "crinkled paint" style acid-free paper. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. There's still a little dried tape residue that I am removing, on top of the Cardinal emblem.

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