Is there a "too busy to blog" medallion? I'm sure that we all go through seasons where we have no time to put thoughts down, or are barely able to post a new and interesting photo to keep the blog updated. Though in part, I think it a sign of a healthy person who does not blog constantly...meaning, the person has a life away from the computer screen. Even when home much of the time, daily needs press us out of the computer chair and on to the daily duties of keeping a home and family running smoothly. I believe that busy moms who also happen to blog understand that balance is important!
That said, I need to tell you all how wonderful our weekend was, helping the Hubster and his brother and sister put together and serve at their parents' Golden Wedding Anniversary. The kids worked so hard for their Dad, Aunt, and Uncle! They served
happily and were so engaging and warm with everyone as they sliced cake, served up punch and coffee. 275 people attended this beautiful reception, which included old friends from across the state, many fellow church members from their local congregation, but also important people from their community and their city's symphony guild.
Homeschooling works and produces beautifully social beings who can and do move well through a crowd of all ages. In this setting, many were of the older generation. The photographer who was chronicling the event told them, "You guys seem like you're actually enjoying this...or you're good liars." to which our oldest two (18 and 16-in-a-few-days) said, "Yes, we really enjoy this!"
The kindness, love, and joy of all four of our kids was obvious. The man was genuinely intrigued. He did not expect that. What an affirmation that was that we made the right choice back when our first son was four. Every little bit of affirmation helps, even though it is not what we live for or what keeps us going, no, our motivation goes far deeper than that.
Our Sunday began with going to our in-laws' congregation across town. The non-instrumental singing that we grew up with was quite wonderful and filled with rich harmonies and diminished cords. Though every song slipped in one seemed to be bothered by it, except maybe us altos who ended up "scraping" the low notes by the end of each song :-). There was joy in the air. My Aunt and Uncle and one of my cousins attends the same church as my in-laws, so it was fantastic to get to see them and hug their necks.
The reception was in the fellowship hall of the church building. The Harpist and pianist friends of my in laws (who are symphony guild board members) played during the whole reception. This was simply beautiful and set the tone in the room. They played classical to modern, with songs such as "My Funny Valentine" and "Did You Ever Know that You're My Hero."
The original Maid of Honor drove from Arizona to be there, and the original Best Man (Hubby's Uncle Alvin) was there, as well. It was so sweet to see and be a part of. As my father-in-law said, they are all happy to be alive for this! We are glad that they are, as well!!
It was a family rich day, and a beautiful tribute to their 50 years of marriage. Their relationship has grown in such a beautiful way over the years, but moreso since my Father-in-Law has survived two cancer events in the last 14 years. When I get some photos from the day, I will post a few. In the meantime, I will post some from their celebration 10 years ago, when our kiddos were so young and especially cute.
