Some of the things we've been doing this week:
Our oldest has been getting back into our time zone and into his usual routine of work, band gigs, and now is having to reconsider his level of involvement in high school youth group. He is a high school graduate, now, applying to a local community college so that he can seek scholarships as a transfer student within two years to a bigger college or university in his field of photojournalism, and political science, theory or economics.
Here are some of the small souvenirs he brought home from the UK for the school room:
The miniature phone booth and postal tower are pencil sharpeners. Aren't they cute? I love red accessories, and these happen to work very well.

He has also been getting his new-to-him car (below) inspected and licensed this week.

Our middle two, ages 16 and 14, are gearing up for classes. Dd's World views of the Western World (year II) class begins in one week, and she has homework to do before class begins. She has been working a lot lately, and has to fit it in between work schedules. She is learning how to juggle.
14 yo son has been keeping up with our lawn work and trying to gear himself up for high school algebra.
Youngest son is traveling to Minnesota with friends for about two weeks. This is the longest he has ever been away from us. He is twelve. He probably remembers very little math at this point in the summer, but his interest in reading about history has jumped exponentially this week. Motivation is halfway to victory in any subject!
I'm preparing for Spanish classes, some at co-op and some from home. I'll be teaching a younger age group twice a month, two Junior High groups, and two senior high groups.
The group from home will have two students, one of them, my own.
I'm using Ven Conmigo! for high school Spanish and a variety of other resources for the Jr. High and younger groups.
I'll also be teaching a book club class titled "From Page to Knight," and as you can tell by the title, we will be reading and discussing/narrating two books that take place in the middle ages.
My Charlotte Mason book club is still in full swing, meeting once a month and discussing CM's original writings.
Hubby has one more trip coming up with his guy friends to get New Mexico Green Chile. This always happens just after school gets underway, but he only misses one or two schooldays.
My 25th high school class reunion is on the third weekend in September...a most inconvenient time for a road trip. Would that they would have considered the wisdom of having it in the summer when more folks could plan summer vacations around the reunion parties. It's going to be hard to miss Friday co-op class and for dh to miss another day of classes. I don't know if we'll be going or not. It's barely worth it, to see a couple of my old best friends. But that's about it.
The kitties continue to play and lounge around. What else is new.
Off to do some more planning!
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