15 October, 2007

Spanish learning ~ Charlotte Mason Style ~ new resources found

While on a three-hour break from Jury duty this morning, I happened over to the best used bookstore (located in an old, historic opera house) in our metroplex and spent a couple of hours digging and reading.

This is what I found there:

Unabridged and annotated Don Quijote de la Mancha por Miguel de Cervantes

Plutarch's Lives *in Spanish*
Spanish Literature anthology 1700-1900
Faust and Goethe in Spanish
They had Shakespeare, too, but I'm holding out for a better binding.
Canciones De Nuestra Caba
ña, which also has musical notes on a staff. This is an old Girl Scout song book from 1980.

Other books discovered this past week on a bargain bin at Borders:

El Libro de las Virtudes by Bill Bennett
La Oración by Watchman Nee

Specially ordered for my AO students:

¡Pío Peep! Rimas Tradicionales en Español (Traditional Spanish Rhymes)
Fábulas de Esopo (Aesop's Fables)
And a sweet book for children: Mis primeras oraciones (My first prayers)

While I will continue to post CM quotes, other PR notes, and free links that fit both into AO and follow Charlotte Mason's words and advice on Foreign language learning/teaching, you can bet that I will share my used book or special order finds with you all. I really am floored about the surprise of "Plutarco" today! It's difficult enough in English, much less in Spanish!

And Goethe in Spanish is a little funny, too. I will look for him in German, the original language, as well :-).

Oh, and I also got to help out another customer who stood before the Spanish section looking for a Spanish Bible. It was nearly ten minutes before she asked me if I could help, and if I knew anything about the translation of the Bible into Spanish. I told her that I carry mine to church every Sunday to study along with the sermon.

I love that store!


p.s. One other juror out of our group of 42 also ended up at this bookshop during our long break! We had endured a horrible commute in flash flooding to get to the courthouse from all over our county to sit for hours on a criminal district trial. But what a reward for our wait!
I'm almost surprised that there weren't more of us there, for nearly seven or so of us in the group are teachers.

...and yes, btw, jury duty WAS fascinating!! The fallacies that the defense attorney used were annoying! He was also not very clear several times.



Mama Squirrel said...

Oh, that's so cool--Plutarco! LOL

But I like the idea of looking for books like children's song books (I already do that for French) and books of poems and prayers. I will need to keep my eyes even wider open when I go past the French shelf at the thrift shop.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to find the Doxology in Spanish. Do you know a good website?

Thank you.

Javamom said...


I'll just post it here:
A Dios, el Padre celestial

A Dios, el Padre celestial
Al Hijo, nuestro Redentor,
Al eternal Consolador,
Unidos todos, alabad.

