Summer is slowly wrapping up for us, but the transition from summer to fall is going to be a bit easier on us this particular season, for the three kiddos still at home.
We are involved in only minimal classes outside of home this year, and those are closer to home than our co-op was. We felt the need to simplify for our daughter's last year, and she didn't want the hub-bub of "fluffy extras" for a big graduation. She is already taking college courses through dual enrollment this year, and continues to work at a job that she loves.
I will be teaching a Spanish I and a Spanish II class on Wednesdays.
Daughter will be studying:
History (college)
Spanish II
HEO classics not yet finished in previous years (mostly from year 11)...calling it possibly "World Literature"
Mathematics - still tbd (college)
Economics (college) in the spring
Composition (college) in the spring
15 yo son:
HEO level 8, simply because we didn't have time to do it well while we were in a co-op over the last three years.
Spanish I
13 yo son:
HEO level 7
Conversational Spanish - more interactive for his learning style
General or Physical Science
ChalkDust Basic Math and DVD's
There's our brief sketch. I'll be back later to share some of my excitement over "Notes from Volume 3" that my book club has uncovered for ourselves this month.
As my friend Sheila, from "A Season of Harvest" shared in my comments section the other day:
"...A toast to the new school year:
To the Atmosphere and Discipline and Lifestyle of Learning!"
Here, here!
You guys are phonies!
(I wish my coursework for this fall looked like that. But I found some good online classes. I'm going to kill myself on this silly old Schwinn, though. I lost the brakes again today!
And I was kidding about you being phonies.
Goodness, you are missed.
We miss you, too, son.
Love, Mom
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