24 August, 2008


I have a song swirling in my head, and it is because the seasons of my life are changing again. I am wistful, but content. It is just the brief transition time that leaves me a little sad.

It is not the whole song that I'm thinking of, mind you, because it can come across as "See ya, I'm outa here, there's no time left for you..." That is not my intention.

The song is "No Time" by the Guess Who, Canadian Rock band from the 60's, early 70's, one genre of songs from my childhood, thanks to my oldest brother!

No, I'm thinking more of just this line:

"Seasons change and so did I, you need not wonder why."

It is just a season but it is sad to have to say that you've got to go a different direction for a time, because it generally means that you have to say "goodbye" or "see you when we come back, or when the Lord wills," or what-have-you.

"There's no time (right now) left for you" old friends. Yes, that is hard, because it also means that they are in a different place and my loss (or my children's loss) of time with them for a season will be felt with some aches and pains.

Transitions, seasons, for true needs or for philosophical reasons, it doesn't matter, it is still not easy.

I'm also finding the older I grow, and as our children each reach the edge before flying from the nest, the more I cannot beat around the bush or waste time. I have to pray for wisdom, evaluate events for "good, better, and best," count the cost (sometimes we just don't have a car to go to YET ANOTHER event), listen to the Holy Spirit, let things go, then simply trust the Lord to lead, and trust that the right decisions were and will be made.

I just want to be honest and real. Hubby reminds me that that is a very difficult thing to do in our world. We are fish-out-of-water, or at the very least, fish going upstream most times. I'm okay with that. We are supposed to be different. I can hold my breath and trust God to provide all that we need. I don't want a free ride, I just pray that others understand that we are making the best decisions we can for our family and our (God-given) resources. That is all.

And that starts with being real with myself. What can I actually accomplish in a tiny space of a week. What do I really need to accomplish what God has given me to do. I don't need accolades of men. I don't need rewards. I don't need a constant electronic connection or a cell phone to do that, I don't need cable to do that. Thank The Lord!

Those things may be nice, but they aren't necessary.

We all juggle, and we all have to decide prayerfully what the Lord really wants us to do with our time and the gifts and the responsibilities that he has given us. So, I'm praying for wisdom.

We must not be idle, that is a truth. We must encourage. We must spur one another on toward love and good deeds. And we must trust.

Times of transition
also remind me of the sentimental poem "Bits and Pieces" which I'll close with today.

Bless-ed new schoolyear, all,


Bits and Pieces

Bits and pieces, bits and pieces.
People. People important to you,
People unimportant to you cross your life,
touch it with love and move on.

There are people who leave you
and you breathe a sigh of relief
and wonder why you ever came into contact with them.

There are people who leave you,
and you breathe a sigh of remorse
and wonder why they had to go and leave such a gaping hole.

Children leave parents, friends leave friends.
Acquaintances move on.
People change homes.
People grow apart.

Enemies hate and move on.
Friends love and move on.
You think of the many people
who have moved in and out of your hazy memory.

You look at those present and wonder.

I believe in god's master plan in lives.
He moves people in and out of each other's lives,
and each leaves his mark on the other.

You find you are made up of bits and pieces
of all who have ever touched your life.
You are more because of them,
and would be less if they had not touched you.

Pray that you accept the bits and pieces in humility and wonder,
and never question and never regret.
bits and pieces,
bits and pieces.



Andi said...

What a beautiful post and a testament to a way of being in the world that is about making intentional choices to become more of who God has created us to be. Thank you.

Sheila Atchley said...

Wow. I can *so* relate to every word. This blessed me!