Little brother is waiting patiently for Big brother to arrive. We only get to see big bro. just about every six weeks since he moved out on his own.
Jonathan's visit was short, but good and profitable. His sister bought a car from one of his coworkers, so he drove it down to her. It worked out great, since his car was finally repaired this week after breaking down on him when he was here the last week of June/first few days of July.
He also got to visit his old friend from Jr. High, a wonderful gal with whom he is now very smitten. She is in the previous post in a photo I took of them on Friday last.
While Dread Pirate Sparsebeard is away in New Mexico fetching Green Chiles with his buddies, we have been very busy here at home.
I have a couple of small projects to do before he returns: I bought a new bedroom door for the boys' room, and it needs a coat of paint. Then, I want to paint their bathroom door and trim.
The other project is to cook up the last of the pears into pear jam. I have about five batches left to peel and chop. This will make about ten more quarts of pear jam or sauce.
There are still a few pears left on the tree, but I am letting a friend come and pick those.
End of summer is here, and we are squeezing everything out of it that we can!
How about you?
ahhhh... oh, the summer of 2008. won't you rest. in. peace...
Hehehe, probably not!! I think we have squeezed about as much out of it as we can.
Dadd-o "Dread Pirate Sparsebeard" will be roasting chiles on the grill, then we'll have the Chile-feast with friends this weekend or next, which will extend it just a bit more :-). You should come with us!
your other Mom
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