22 July, 2007

I could, but I shouldn't...at least not at this moment

I COULD answer a few tags I've received this summer. It would be so fun to join in the games.

I COULD post another photo or two, but they need some resizing in photoshop.

I COULD pass on another (and a fantastic) update from my son in Scotland.

I COULD write up a theory post that I've got swimming round in my head temporarily titled, "As goes Europe."

But I must, simply MUST take advantage of being home alone right now to work on my major decluttering projects that are still underway.

Forge ahead, I SHALL, with fortitude and focus. Pray that I don't get mired in the sub-category (or the sentimental :-) details...I have a soft spot for family history.


1 comment:

Donna-Jean Breckenridge said...

I hear you on those 'could and should's - I have my own list of them. But remember, it's SUMMER and you 'should' have fun!! (Great moon pix!)