Judy (left) teaches lower school classes at the same school where I've been teaching this summer. Cathy is a voice and piano teacher, and I am on the right. I teach Spanish, primarily, (or other lit or language type classes) and have homeschooled our four kiddos from the beginning. We just graduated our oldest son this past spring.

~ then of course... we enjoy eating together and sipping homemade cherry limeade.
~ peering at Jupiter and her four visible moons through our friends' telescope.
What have you been doing this summer? What are some of your favorite things to do?
1 comment:
I think I learned a lot more about you in this post.
My summer has gone quickly so far, with little done. We celebrated my 3 yo's b-day Saturday, and our anniversary is today (we went out to dinner last night and drove the long way home). Our fun won't really begin until we go on vacation in August.
We do like to play some games with friends once in a while here. Lately we've been gravitating to Skipbo played with partners. It is a fun twist to the game. We do a little camping here and there. Our church is having a campout this weekend down the road from us, but I haven't decided whether or not I want to do it because my dh has to cook Friday lunch and supper, and Saturday lunch. Being alone with the kids is no problem at home, but on a campout...I'm not so sure. I've been watching the Harry Potter movies over the last few weeks. I hadn't seen any of them, so now I am caught up so I can go with a couple of the gals here to the new movie. I haven't read any of the books yet. I am not ready to answer the questions of my girls about why I can do it but they can't!
I was in a neat choir at my old church in Illinois. I am not very gifted but it was a neat group of gifted people that were in the choir and I really enjoyed being a part of it. Now we live to far to really be a part of much of anything in town.
I better stop. I don't want my comments to be longer than your post!
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